The Color Purple
Nikki Runge bought the home of one of the original developers of Quail Valley, Frank Marsters, Jr. With major renovation inside and out, the garden showcases some of the latest ideas for color and uses well-adapted tropicals and sub-tropicals plantings. An enviable pool is a work of art itself. The lake view isn't bad either.
The garden is a paradise for entertaining and gives the feeling of a vacation in an upscale resort in the tropics or a spa! It's one enduring theme is the color purple and variations of blue and mauve . . . with a little lime green thrown in. As Nikki says, if she walks in a store, and there is only one purple object, it will "find her."
Nikki loves to entertain and have parties. Frankly, she would live in the garden if it was practical. Using tested plants well adapted to our area and reflecting a tropical feel, the garden is an opportunity to display objects, start conversations.
Bottom line the garden is about enjoying life, art, the color purple and mood. Whether it's the Cheshire Cat, a kokopelli, flamingoes, a purple cactus, a dragonfly or a peacock chair, this garden is about expression and sharing the joy of life and the fun of design.
Nikki's brother Chuck is also involved in the garden and is quite adept using paint and texture to surface various materials. He's created some very interesting applications. The latest lighting innovations set a mood and bring the garden into the home at night. Of course, in purple. The pool changes in a rainbow of colors.
Come celebrate life, whimsy, magic and, of course, the color purple.
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