Meditation Garden
Kyle Pedwell and David Clardy bought their English Tudor 7 years ago. The backyard was barren and ugly. Despite Hurricane Ike, today it is transformed into an English Country Garden with areas for meditation, relaxation and entertaining. Using ideas from QV Backyard Tours and others to build their garden, Kyle and David have done all the work themselves.
Part of the garden is reminiscent of a New Orleans style courtyard with both sun and shade areas, which allows for plant diversity as well as growing fruit trees. It also allows relaxing according to the weather.
Bottom line they especially love perennials, flowering shrubs and plant diversity. Dutchman's Pipe, native mallows, butterfly and shell gingers, Firespike, Esperanza, Hibiscus, Night Blooming Cereus, and several varieties of shrimp plant are just some of the plants.
Another strong point of this garden are focal points and areas throughout the garden, which really expands this garden and invites peeking around corners. The areas are built with easy-to-buy materials put together in pleasing patterns.
Come experience peace and relaxation . . . and what can be accomplished in 7 years from barren to a sanctuary.
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