Learn what worked (and didn't) from experienced gardeners during our difficult year of extended drought and that was proceeded by two extended freezes and a hurricane.
What's blooming varies year to year. A commercial landscaper commented that he got some of his best ideas from home garden tours! Tour goers enjoy the dramatic Red Yucca's in bloom below . . . and this year you'll be able to see the results of the golf course re-development in the background.
Our tour is packed with a variety of ideas to enrich your life and increase your property values:
- Formal and informal designs
- Focal points and views in sun or shade
- Color, texture and "feel."
- Flowers. exotica, fruit trees, vegetables
- Water and other specialty gardens
- Trellises, decks, hardscape & patios
- Practical and handsome solutions for storage, drainage, pets & relaxation
- Outdoor living and entertaining.
And children under twelve and supervised by adult ticket holders are free.