Once again we had our popular coffee at 9:30. Pat Jones, Social, thanked the hostesses headed by Mary Chan, who included Joyce Smith, Mitzi Tolman, Jerre Anne Wagner, and Linn Wells. They provided a beautiful and tasty coffee and break!
Lynn Ellis, Joan Fox and Sandy Smith enjoy coffee and social break!
Barbara Thompson, President, introduced Inspiration Chair Linda Walker who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and provided a short inspirational.
President Barbara Thompson and Parliamentarian Penny Johnson
Second Vice President Jo Ann Mayhall introduced our visitor, Bobby Strain, who is married to member Marsha Strain. Bobby attended the meeting to get the latest tips on lawn care and seemed to enjoy the program, which was very up-to-date and informative for Bobby and the 32 members present.
Juanita Ayres, Marsha and Bobby Strain enjoy Bob's presentation . . . glad to have you, Bobby!
First Vice President Rose Ann Acosta introduced Bob Patterson of Southwest Fertilizer, which has been in business for 58 years and is located at 5828 Bissonnet at Renwick. They have the largest section of “natural products in Houston.” Bob provided a Nature’s Guide handout along with his Lawn Care Program (whether you are using synthetics or organics.) Of interest to members is that SW Fertilizer provides a 10% discount to garden club members on full price products except bird seed or lawn mowers and equipment.
Rose Ann Acosta and Bob Patterson (both in forground) show one of several books Bob has authored.
Bob is a terrific speaker and said the key to good lawn care was a schedule . . . an easy way remember the holidays: Valentines, St. Patrick’s, Judy 4th, and Halloween. He thinks 3 is enough, but if you can only do one, do Halloween and use a winterizer fertilizer. In general he recommended a fertilizer that is 3 parts nitrogen, 1 part phosphorous, and 2 parts potassium. He also reminded us never to cut more that 1/4 “ from St. Augustine grass (except in the early Spring). There were many other great tips. Bob brought 3 door prizes which along with crotons from QVGC, that were quite popular with members.
Joanne Gore, Joyce Smith and Jerre Anne Wagner.
Bob is willing to take calls 713 666-1744 or emails about questions you may have on organics, chemicals or any other question regarding garden care, fetilization, preventive or curative weed control, amendments or insect control. Members who have contacted Bob will vouch for how helpful he is even when he doesn't make a sale because he can help you with what you might already have.
Ways and Means Chair for Caladiums
Rose Ann Acosta encouraged members to keep selling. Please
have your caladium order forms to her between November 1-5. A box will be provided on her front porch at 2803 Glenn Lakes. You can email totals
to her if you so desire. Last day for orders for people to save is Oct 31.
Field Trip to Enchanted Forest on November 14.
Meet at
MacNaughton Park parking lot (Hampton at East Creek Club) at 9 to car pool to
Enchanted Forest for the program at 10 on container gardening. No charge for this event, but please sign up with Rose Ann Acosta at 281 437-2234.
Directions: Enchanted Forest is located at 10611 FM 2759, Booth Tx. 281 937-9449
Take 59 South to Crabb River Road, Exit, turn left at light
Take Crabb River Road to FM 2759 (Turn left just before the Railroad tracks).
Enchanted Forest is on the left side of the road just beyond the city limits of Booth.
There is an optional luncheon at noon at Sandy McGee’s for Chicken Salad, Cheese Broccoli Soup and Fruit and drink for $17.50. Please pay by November 5, but must sign up in advance with Rose Ann Acosta at 281 437-2234
Jo Ann Mayhall reported that internal communications go out the last Wednesday of every month.
Marilyn Ellis announced Yard of the Month for October as Linda and Nathan Walker of 2819 Hampton Drive. Marilyn will also be handling the flower arrangements for our Holiday Party at City Centre on Dec 12. More to come about that!
It was also announced that Mary Frances Ashmore had been ill, but was on the mend, and that SaRita Parker was also not feeling well. Karen Meier celebrated her one year anniversary of her lung successful lung transplant.
Horticulture Sharing . . . with Mary Chan and all of us!
Linda Walker, Pat Jones, Joan Fox, Mitzi Tolman, Sandy Smith, Shirley Renfrow, Mary Chan, Barbara Thompson
Judy Belt, Joyce Smith, Sandy Smith and Lynn Ellis discuss Night Blooming Jasmine
Some of the beautiful sharing . . . Aster, Purple Hyacinth Vine, Torenia, Night Blooming Jasmine, looks like Lantana, but what is the orange flower in the lower center?
Congratulations to Sandy Smith on her new book, The Way We Ate. Visit Amazon.com, select Kindle Books to get a chapter sample or buy the book!
Karen Segura is one of the happy drawing winners!
Linn Wells, Jo Ann Mayhall and LaJune McCrea
Questions about Caladium Bulbs . . .
Digging up and storing bulbs over winter. If we have a severely cold and/or wet winter, caladium bulbs will not usually winter through those conditions in the ground. They can be dug up in the fall, dusted with dusting sulpher and stored during the winter and early spring in panty hose or mesh bags in protected areas such as a garage. If temperatures in the garage or storage area fall below 40 degrees F for an extended period of time, they should be moved to a warmer area. The bulbs can then be replanted in the spring after daytime temperatures are 65 F and above for several days.
Janice Scanlan digs hers up while there is still foliage and initially put them in paper bags with the leaves in tact by color and lets the leaf die naturally as well as soil dry off. She marks the bags by color. Letting them dry for a few weeks in the garage, she puts the bulbs in mesh bags or panty hose and hangs in the garage. If they are still damp, she dusts with dusting sulpher, found at garden stores, to prevent rot and fungus. However, air circulation does the same thing. If they are in boxes, the dusting sulpher is more important. You may also want an old carpet or an airspace off a cold concrete floor in a garage.