These small birds are a large Warbler and are found in the Pine Forests of the Southeast US year around.
Janice's garden is more contained than Margaret's on Oyster Creek. The Pine Warblers come to her more enclosed space or are found in heavily wooded areas. I always know when they come to my garden for water, that winter is tough in Arkansas and mid-states east. A scout may come, but the next day the waterfall is full of these tiny birds. They seem to enjoy seeds from the Elm trees, but I've not seen them on feeders, just on the ground near water--especially running water.
The males have more olive to a chartreuse color than the females.
Photos copyrighted by Margaret Sloan. Stories and photos written by Margaret and Janice Scanlan.
Keep visiting, we are posting birds and habits as the visit the area and time permits of Winter and other varieties of birds that live or visit Quail Valley and Fort Bend.
To learn more in depth on the Pine Warbler or hear actual bird calls, Cornell University has a wonderful website, press here to visit.
To see a more complete photo album of Birds from Quail Valley and Fort Bend, Birds of Quail Valley.